# Exchange Rates
An Exchange Rate is the worth of one nation’s currency compares to other nations’ currency.
For example how many Euro is required to buy 1 Dollar? Then you require €0.88 to buy a $1. This means the exchange rate of the Euro is 0.88 against Dollar. Here we are going to discuss how to set the exchange rate in bagisto.
# Set Exchange Rate in Bagisto.
Step 1: On the Admin panel of Bagisto go to Setting >> Exchange Rates >> Create Exchange Rate as shown in below image.
Step 2: Now Enter Source Currency, Target Currency, Rate and click on Save Exchange Rate as shown below.
Step 3: Now you will able to see the new Exchange Rate is created as shown below.
# Front End:-
Exchange Rate is applied successfully of 0.919 at the product price of $499.So after this exchange rate the new price is $458.58 as shown below.
So by this you can easily create a Exchange Rate in Bagisto.