# Magic AI

Magical AI is the ultimate tool for professionals in diverse fields looking to enhance their efficiency. Some of its use cases are: Speeding up data entry tasks for sales and customer support teams.

Bagisto 2.2.0 integrates Magic AI, using artificial intelligence to simplify e-commerce management.

# Content Generation

With Magic AI, store owners can effortlessly generate engaging Products, Categories, and CMS content.

# In Bagisto 2.2.0 it provides Native Support to various LLMs.

A) For Content – OpenAI gpt-3.5-turbo, Llama 2, Mistral, Dolphin Phi, Phi-2, Starling, Llama 2 Uncensored, Llama 2 13B, Llama 2 70B, Orca Mini, Vicuna, LLaVA.

Magic Content

Say goodbye to time-consuming manual content creation as Magic AI crafts compelling and unique descriptions, saving you valuable time and effort.

# Image Generation

Empower your store’s visual appeal with Magic AI’s image-generation capabilities.

B) For Images – Dall.E 2 , Dall.E 3

Magic image

Admins can now generate stunning product images, ensuring a visually appealing and consistent presentation across the entire product catalogue.

Magic Images

# Review Translation

In Bagisto 2.2.0, we recognise the importance of catering to a global audience.

The new release includes a Review Translation feature, allowing store owners and their customers to translate reviews into multiple languages automatically.

Magic Review

Bridge language barriers and connect with a diverse customer base seamlessly.

# Personalized Checkout Messages

Create a more personalised and engaging shopping experience with Bagisto 2.2.0’s personalised checkout messages.

Checkout Message