# Locales
To display your website in a different language you need to set the Locale in bagisto. Having more than one language for your website can improve the shopping experience for your customers.
# Set Locales in Bagisto.
Here we have explained steps to set Locales in bagisto.
Step 1: On the Admin panel of Bagisto go to Settings >> Locales >> Create Locale as shown below.
Step 2: Now add the below fields
1.Code Every language has its unique code.
2.Name Name of the language.
3.Directions Add the direction in which your language work LTR (Left To Right) , RTL (Right To Left).
4.Logo Add the logo of your language
Now Save Locale as shown in below image.
Step 3: Now you will able to see the new Locale as shown below.
Step 4: On the admin panel open Settings >> Channels you will able to see your new language is situated in the currencies and Locales section to enable this click on to that and Save Channel as shown in below image.
So by this you can easily create a Locales in Bagisto and make your website as per your language.
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